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BugZero aligns with the NIST Risk Management Framework at Level 3

Providing Continuous Compliance for the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of our customer's systems and applications

NIST Control Descriptions


Flaw Remediation


Automated Flaw Remediation Status


Time to Remediate Flaws and Benchmarks for Corrective Actions

BugZero Features Supporting SI-2:

BugZero reads select CMDB data from ServiceNow to determine your IT inventory. Whenever a new operational defect is announced by a vendor, BugZero creates a task to track the flaw remediation.


Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity


Integrity Checks


Automated Notifications of Integrity Violations


Centrally Managed Integrity Tools

BugZero Features Supporting SI-7:

The presence of an operational defect or mis-configuration in your software or systems constitutes an integrity violation. A defect in database software threatens the information integrity of the data it contains. BugZero is a centrally managed solution which provides for the continuous monitoring and notification of software and system integrity violations.


Configuration Change Control

BugZero Features Supporting CM-3:

BugZero integrates with ServiceNow Change Management best practices, and uses Contextual Search to bring risk awareness to the Change Management process to further reduce outages. BugZero also collects critical alerts from the vendor related to mis-configuration risks.


Central Management

BugZero Features Supporting PL-9:

BugZero adds centralized management of operational defects remediation to your ITSM and ITOM processes.


Predictable Failure Prevention

BugZero Features Supporting SI-13:

MTTF is usually associated with hardware, and especially spinning hard drives. As the industry is moving toward software defined systems, BugZero re-interprets this control to apply to software reliability, providing a continuously variable MTTF measurement for every system. When there is a critical defect present in your systems, that defect will eventually cause a negative impact. It could take 5 years, or it could take 5 days, there is really no way to know for sure. Your systems and software admins must analyze each critical defect to provide an urgency, which is ultimately a measurement of the MTTF risk. If your systems have only warning-level defects present, then you have a very long MTTF. If your systems have a catastrophic defect, and your admins determine it does apply to your system configuration, you have a very short MTTF for that system.


Flaw Remediation

Identify, report, and correct system flaws

Test software and firmware updates related to flaw remediation for effectiveness and potential side effects before installation

Install security-relevant software and firmware updates within [Assignment: organization-defined time period] of the release of the updates

Incorporate flaw remediation into the organizational configuration management process

Flaw Remediation | Automated Flaw Remediation Status

Determine if system components have applicable security relevant software and firmware updates installed using automated mechanisms with a defined frequency

Flaw Remediation | Time to Remediate Flaws and Benchmarks for Corrective Actions

Measure the time between flaw identification and flaw remediation

Establish benchmarks for taking corrective actions


Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity

Employ integrity verification tools to detect unauthorized changes to software, firmware, and information.

Take actions when unauthorized changes to the software, firmware, and information are detected.

Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity | Integrity Checks

Perform an integrity check of organization-defined software, firmware, and information at startup; during transitional states, during security-relevant events, or at a set frequency.

Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity | Automated Notifications of Integrity Violations

Employ automated tools that provide notification to [Assignment: organization-defined personnel or roles] upon discovering discrepancies during integrity verification.

Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity | Centrally Managed Integrity Tools

Employ centrally managed integrity verification tools.


Configuration Change Control

Determine and document the types of changes to the system that are configuration-controlled.

Review proposed configuration-controlled changes to the system and approve or disapprove such changes with explicit consideration for security and privacy impact analyses.

Document configuration change decisions associated with the system.

Implement approved configuration -controlled changes to the system.

Retain records of configuration-controlled changes to the system for organization-defined time period.

Monitor and review activities associated with configuration-controlled changes to the system.

Coordinate and provide oversight for configuration change control activities through organization-defined configuration change control frequency or change conditions.


Central Management

Centrally manage organization-defined controls and related processes.


Predictable Failure Prevention

Determine mean time to failure (MTTF) for organization-defined system components in specific environments of operation.

Provide substitute system components and a means to exchange active and standby components in accordance with the organization-defined MTTF substitution criteria.