BugZero found this defect 1635 days ago.
The Avamar dashboard "metadata capacity utilization" graphic is shown alongside the regular Avamar server graphic. It displays metadata capacity consumption on an Avamar grid: The "Metadata Utilization" percentage value rises, but never falls. This occurs even if backups on Data Domain are deleted, and the space in the metadata containers is recycled.The behavior of "Metadata utilization" is unlike the "Server Utilization". The latter rises and falls as backup data is added to and removed from the Avamar grid when garbage collection is run.If the "metadata utilization" percentage becomes the higher of the two capacity values, it takes precedence and is displayed on the main Dashboard screen. If the high capacity level triggers capacity warnings, Contact Support.Once space is freed up within the metadata containers, the "metadata utilization" percentage remains high. The dashboard shows high capacity usage even though there is plenty of backup capacity is available.
The metadata utilization graphic reports the allocation of metadata capacity containers on the Avamar server. It does not report the amount of space within the metadata containers is used. Data and metadata containers are allocated and never deallocated. Therefore, the "metadata utilization" value never drops. This operates in a similar way to the Avamar 'cur' value, upon which the metadata capacity calculations are based.
Although this behavior is normal, in some circumstances, it is possible to lower the metadata capacity with manual intervention by the Dell Technologies Avamar support team. Solutions include: Providing additional space allocation for metadata capacity containers. This option imposes requirements on how the system can be used Adding a node or nodes to the grid (only viable In a multi-node environment) Adding nodes causes existing metadata containers to be balanced across a larger number of nodes. As stripes migrate from the existing nodes to the additional nodes, the percentage value lowers. Any viable options would be discussed to determine the best outcome.