BugZero found this defect 700 days ago.
SNMP or syslog alerts not reaching PFMP due to missing SNMP OOB load balancer IP coupled with inability of OOB network to route to esxi_mgmt network. Run the following command from one of the Kubernetes nodes: kubectl get svc -A | grep snmp One or more Kubernetes nodes show only one SNMP load balancer IP, which is on the esxi mgmt network:
SNMP OOB load balancer IP is supposed to be created if each Kubernetes node has an IP address on the OOB network and if the OOB network range is defined in the PFMP_Config.json when the PFMP is deployed.Due to an issue, the SNMP load balancer IP does not get created if running PowerFlex 4.0.1 or lower. RoutableIPPoolCIDR IP range should have the OOB network range defined: cat /opt/dell/pfmp/PFMP_Installer/config/PFMP_Config.json Each Kubernetes node should have an interface on the OOB network: ip addr show
Create an OOB SNMP load balancer IP address using the enclosed script. Note: Rename the file to dup_snmp_svc.sh. Identify the name and range of the OOB network with the following command (name is retrieved from metallb-config) kubectl describe cm metallb-config -n powerflex vi the lbpool line to match your OOB network name (chmod file first if necessary): Run the script, then confirm that the OOB load balancer IP is now present: kubectl get svc -A | grep snmp Change the iDRAC SNMP target to point to the newly created OOB SNMP load balancer IP: