BugZero found this defect 132 days ago.
The "mminfo" output is being used to show details of the virtual machine save sets, but the 'totalvmdiskutil' and 'occupiedvmdiskutil' shows 0. [root@MY-NSR: /] mminfo -aS -q SSID=2232311861 ssid=2232311861 savetime=MM/DD/YYYY 08:29:41 AM (1728995381) MY-VCENTER-NAME:vm:501b524c-2620-4f03-d055-6d5a6af098ff:MY-VCENTER-NAME level=full sflags=vrF size=171966514028 files=1 insert=MM/DD/YYYY create=MM/DD/YYYY complete=MM/DD/YYYY browse=MM/DD/YYYY 08:29:41 AM retent=MM/DD/YYYY 11:59:59 PM clientid=077cd428-00000004-619654cb-61966700-00035000-cd16a556 **backup start time: 1728995381; *backup_device: Data Domain; *backup_mode: VSS; *occupiedvmdiskutil: 0; *policy action name: "backup: 1728995381"; *policy name: "MY-POLICY: 1728995381"; *policy workflow name: "MY-WORKFLOW: 1728995381"; *policy_workflow_action_path: /MY-POLICY/MY-WORKFLOW/backup; *proxy_hostname: MY-VPROXY-NAME; *ss data domain backup cloneid: 1728995381; *ss data domain dedup statistics: "v1:1728995381:153736275262:0:0"; *SSID directory: Yes; *totalvmdiskutil: 0; *vcenter_hostname: MY-VCENTER-NAME; *vm_backup_level: full; *vm_info: \ "{ ... }"; *vm_name: MY-VM-NAME; *vm_uuid: 501b524c-2620-4f03-d055-6d5a6af098ff; group: MY-GROUP-NAME; saveset features: CLIENT_SAVETIME; Clone #1: cloneid=1728995381 time=MM/DD/YYYY 08:29:41 AM retent=MM/DD/YYYY flags= frag@ 0 volid=3091240511 file/rec= 0/0 rn=0 last=MM/DD/YYYY [root@MY-NSR: /] The backup action log under "/nsr/logs/policy//workflow-.raw" shows: ... 205357 MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS 3829483264 385914 0 MY-NSR nsrvproxy_save NSR warning The VM MY-VM-NAME has totalvmdiskutil and occupiedvmdiskutil as 0 because this VM was either powered off or VMware tools were missing or VMware tools were not in running state when backup was run. Please keep VM powered on with current VMware tools in running state if these details are expected. ...
By design, the 'totalvmdiskutil' and 'occupiedvmdiskutil' values are not available if the VM is powered off or VMware tools are not running during the backup.
The 'totalvmdiskutil' and 'occupiedvmdiskutil' values are retrieved from VMs during the backup. The following should be evaluated if the values are not being retrieved from a powered up VM during the backup: Was the VM powered on during the time of the backup?The VMware Tools status should be running.The VMware Tools status should reflect up to date.