BugZero found this defect 2050 days ago.
If you import/re-import multiple BIG-IP devices, the Configuration page might display a banner indicating that conflicts must be resolved, but the link to the device is incorrect.
Configuration pages might not be accessable for the affected BIG-IP device.
-- BIG-IQ has discovered more than one BIG-IP device. -- Configuration has been imported/re-imported from multiple devices. -- One or more more devices encountered conflicts during import/re-import that were not resolved.
Navigate to the Devices :: BIG-IP Devices page. Look for any device which indicates that conflicts need to be resolved in the 'Services' column. If that does not remove the banner, you can clear the import task collections. Important: Clearing the import task collections erases any import tasks that have pending conflicts, as well as any import/re-import tasks that failed that might provide useful error messages. restcurl -X DELETE cm/adc-core/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/access/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/asm/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/websafe/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/firewall/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/dns/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/security-shared/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/ restcurl -X DELETE cm/sslo/tasks/declare-mgmt-authority/
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EPVA related dma-agent crash9.85
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