BugZero updated this defect 20102 days ago.
The earliest recollection of this bug is traced back to PAN-OS 8.1.7 - January 09, 2024. This bug is fixed in PAN-OS versions 8.1.7. ( Panorama M-Series and virtual appliances only ) Fixed a rare issue where the web interface did not display new logs as expected because Elasticsearch (ES) stopped working when the Raid drives reached maximum capacity and the purge script to remove old ES indices failed to execute and make room for new indices. However, this issue also resulted in creation of new ES indices that were empty because the appliance could not read or write to them. With this fix, old indices are purged as expected; however, empty ES indices created before you upgraded to this release with this fix are not removed as expected (see known issue PAN-114041 ). For more information: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/8-1/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-8-1-addressed-issues/pan-os-8-1-7-addressed-issues
Fixed an issue where GlobalProtect SSL VPN processing during a high traffic load caused the dataplane to stop responding.8.95
Fixed an issue where the firewall unexpectedly rebooted with the log message "Heartbeat failed previously"8.95
Updated an issue to eliminate failed `pan_comm` software issues that caused the dataplane to restart unexpectedly8.95
Fixed an issue where, on Apple iOS devices, SAML authentication did not connect to the GlobalProtect portal.8.95
Fixed an issue where the `bcm.log` and `brdagent_stdout.log-<datestamp>` files filled up the root disk space