BugZero updated this defect 20091 days ago.
The earliest recollection of this bug is traced back to PAN-OS 8.1.12 - January 09, 2024. This bug is fixed in PAN-OS versions 8.1.12. Fixed an issue where a process ( routed ) stopped responding when you configured virtual interfaces. For more information: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/8-1/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-8-1-addressed-issues/pan-os-8-1-12-addressed-issues
Fixed an issue where the firewall unexpectedly rebooted with the log message "Heartbeat failed previously"8.95
Fixed an issue where GlobalProtect IPSec tunnels disconnected at half the inactivity logout timer value.8.95
Fixed an issue where inserting the NPC and DPC on slot2 created excessive logs in the `bcm.log file`.8.95
Fixed an issue where, on Apple iOS devices, SAML authentication did not connect to the GlobalProtect portal.8.95
Fixed an issue where the `bcm.log` and `brdagent_stdout.log-<datestamp>` files filled up the root disk space