BugZero found this defect 2593 days ago.
Some deployment scenarios may require that the Veeam Service Provider Console Communication Agent is deployed via Windows PowerShell in the silent mode.
Run Windows PowerShell as administrator and execute following command with correct values for Tenant's username in VAC_TENANT=<TenantName> Tenant's password in VAC_TENANT_PASSWORD=<Password> IP of the Veeam Cloud Gateway in CC_GATEWAY=<CloudConnectGateway> Msiexec.exe /i VAC.CommunicationAgent.x64.msi /l*v C:\Temp\VAC_MA_install.log /qn VAC_MANAGEMENT_AGENT_TYPE=2 VAC_TENANT=<TenantName> VAC_TENANT_PASSWORD=<Password> CC_GATEWAY=<CloudConnectGateway> CC_GATEWAY_PORT=6180 VAC_THUMBPRINT=<Thumbprint> ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES=1 ACCEPT_EULA=1 NOTE: By default, Veeam Cloud Gateway will use port 6180 TCP/UDP, but if you have changed this when deploying the gateway, you specify the correct port in CC_GATEWAY_PORT=6180
If you have any questions, contact Veeam Support.