BugZero updated this defect 330 days ago.
For Horizon 8 customers, After edge creation, if the edge is stuck in Connect Pending State (sometimes, It can take up to 15–20 minutes from creation of edge), there might be possibilities that either Horizon Cloud URLs might not be reachable from the edge Network might not have been configured properly in edge gatewayKubernetes pods running within edge appliance might not have been initialized properly
This article explains how to debug the connectivity issue of Edge with the help of Diagnostic script.
Cloud URLs might not be reachable from an edge. This may be due to some network issue or proxy issue[if a proxy is used].Networks might not be configured properlyProxy configurations might not be correctIf Edge VM version is older i.e. 2.2.0 or less then only its needed to check for pairing code as with the latest release of edge vm ( the pairing code is a mandatory field so this will not be applicable. For more details, please refer to Deploying a Horizon 8 Edge for Use with Horizon 8 Deployments and the Horizon Cloud - next-gen Control PlaneLogin with public-key is not working in edge gateway image builds prior to
For network issues, reachability, and Kubernetes cluster issue, run the Diagnostic script. If using the old OVA[< v2.3.1.0] and provided the public-key for the ccadmin user to log in to, this will cause the issue. Delete the VM and redeploy without the public key option, or deploy the VM with new OVA[v2.3.1.0 or later].For older versions ( OVA < ), the Diagnostic script can either be downloaded from this Doc or is present in new OVA( or later). It is present inside the appliance at location /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh Connectivity test on 2.3.4 or later versions of Edge ApplianceConnectivity test on older releases of Edge Appliance.Generate complete log bundle Running a Diagnostic Script Manually ( For versions >= 2.3.4 )1) sudo -i2) /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh [ Note: To get the diagnostic results in debug mode, use /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --debug ]Sample output :Cloud Url Connectivity Section ->Testing connectivity for endpoint - https://horizonedgeprod.azurecr.ioEndpoint https://horizonedgeprod.azurecr.io is reachableSuccess->Testing connectivity for endpoint - https://edgehubprodna.blob.core.windows.netEndpoint https://edgehubprodna.blob.core.windows.net is reachableSuccess->Testing connectivity for endpoint - https://eventproxy.na1.data.vmwservices.comEndpoint https://eventproxy.na1.data.vmwservices.com is reachableSuccess->Testing connectivity for endpoint - https://edgehubprodna.azure-devices.netEndpoint https://edgehubprodna.azure-devices.net is reachableSuccessFor more details on list of URLs that needs to be whitelisted, please refer toPort and Protocol Requirements for Deploying Horizon 8 EdgeYou can also check the connectivity of the edge to required URLs visually in the web console of the edge VM. Diagnostics - Success : Diagnostics Failure : To capture the complete log bundle from the edge appliance, execute following command (For versions >= 2.3.4) root@photon-machine [ ~ ]#/opt/vmware/bin/log-bundle.py Output : INFO:__main__:Preparing log bundle.INFO:__main__:File '/opt/vmware/var/log/log_bundle_20240122_164054.tar.gz' copied to '/opt/vmware/var/log/bundle' successfully.INFO:__main__:Log bundle preparation completed!! Use WinSCP tool to download the log bundle from Edge appliance. Running a Diagnostic Script Manually ( For versions upto 2.3.3 ) Run the diagnostic script and share the latest log file created at the location /opt/vmware/var/log/ with the format 'diagnostic-output_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).txt' E.g. - diagnostic-output_20230412_065559.txt Note - Script will only run as a root or with sudo command. How to run the Diagnostic Script? Run the script without any option [Default location will be picked as US] For example, if the edge is located in the US and datalake region is also in the US, the run the script sudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh To get more details, run in debug mode sudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --debug Run Script with Options For example, If the edge is located in Japan [JP] region and datalake is located in US region sudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --titan-home-region JP--datalake-region na1 To get more details, run in debug modesudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --titan-home-region JP--datalake-region na1 --debug For example, If the edge is located in Japan [JP] region and datalake is also located in the UK region sudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --titan-home-region JP--datalake-region uk1 To get more details, run in debug modesudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --titan-home-region JP--datalake-region uk1 --debug Get other details about the options to be passed and the respective values sudo /opt/vmware/bin/diagnostic.sh --help You may choose datalake and edge regions values from the given table depending on the actual edge and datalake configuration. DataLake LocationsEdge Hub RegionDataLake LocationUSna1JPca1UKuk1APap1EUeu1 / eu2 Edge Locations: Edge Hub RegionEdgeLocationUSnaJPjpUKukAPapEUeu
Enable SSH Access for Horizon Edge
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Troubleshooting Horizon 8 Edge Connectivity Issues