Ready to prevent the next vendor outage? Learn more

Red Hat

Vendor Features

ServiceNow IntegrationIntegrates with ITSM and ITIL principles and processes within ServiceNowBugZero bug tasks are inserted into your ServiceNow and into your IT Operations processes
Manged Products SyncScans your CMDB and/or vendor portal for all devices deployed within your organization. Includes the ability to disable any managed products that you don't want to monitorThis feature enables the core functionality of BugZero, scanning your environment and allowing you to choose which products we monitor
Data NormalizationMapping vendor data and terminology to a standardized ServiceNow formatDifferent vendors provide bug data in many different formats and using different terminology. BugZero brings that varied data into your ServiceNow in a normalized structure
Bug StatusesFiltering based on the status of the bug in the vendor's bug resolution processOpen - The bug has not been fixed || Fixed - The bug has been fixed || Terminated - A decision was made not to fix the bug
Component FilterFiltering based on the services or components that are active in a managed productIf you aren't running any BGP, Voice IVRs, or MPLS VPNs, you can filter out any bug alerts related to those technologies
Keyword ExclusionExclude bugs that contain any keywords of your choosingAny word. Seriously
Priority MappingMapping the vendor's bug severity terminology to ServiceNow Impact / Urgency / PriorityA critical bug from the vendor might be mapped in ServiceNow as 1-High / 1-High / 1-Critical
Bug Date RangeChoose how many days to look back for published bugsDo you only want to see bugs published in the past 90 days. Or bug published in the past year? Or all time?
Affected VersionList of product versions in which the bug is presentFor example, all versions prior to version 5.1.2

Prevent Outages from Vendor Bugs

BugZero decreases risk and increases IT Operational Resilience by integrating with your ITSM tool to collect, filter, correlate, and track non-security bugs specific to your vendor products

vendor integration prerequisites


  1. A BugZero account with access to the BugZero Dashboard

  2. Completed the BugZero ServiceNow configuration steps