BugZero found this defect 37 days ago.
Upon upgrading to 5.0.31, dropIndex inside JS migrations began failing with index not found errors. When downgrading to 5.0.30, we no longer experienced the error. I'm not seeing any changes in the changelog that would cause this issue, or changes to dropIndex that changed the behavior of dropIndex.
JIRAUSER1265262 commented on Mon, 3 Feb 2025 23:19:49 +0000: Hi corbin.sanders@willowtreeapps.com, thanks for your report. I've created a secure upload portal for you. Files uploaded to this portal are hosted on Box, are visible only to MongoDB employees, and are routinely deleted after some time. For each node in the replica set spanning a time period that includes the incident, would you please archive (tar or zip) and upload to that link: the mongod logs the $dbpath/diagnostic.data directory (the contents are described here) Additionally, would you be able to share a repro script that demonstrates the behavior you're seeing?