BugZero found this defect 2840 days ago.
The test uses old versions of mongodb (3.2) that do not support replSetStepUp. Calling ReplSetTest::initiateWithAnyNodeAsPrimary instead of ReplSetTest::initiate should fix this. This is only an issue for 3.4 because master uses 3.4 as the older version which does support replSetStepUp.
benety.goh commented on Wed, 14 Jun 2017 02:54:17 +0000: As of this commit, minor_version_tags_old_new_old.js no longer uses the replSetStepUp command. benety.goh commented on Fri, 19 May 2017 14:20:51 +0000: With SERVER-28100, tags.js no longer uses replSetStepUp.