BugZero found this defect 2884 days ago.
PW.USELESS_TYPE_QUALIFIER_ON_RETURN_TYPE Defect 100733 (STATIC_C) Checker PW.USELESS_TYPE_QUALIFIER_ON_RETURN_TYPE (subcategory none) File: /src/mongo/s/catalog/type_shard_collection.cpp Parse Warning (no function name available) /src/mongo/s/catalog/type_shard_collection.cpp, line: 220 type qualifier on return type is meaningless const long long ShardCollectionType::getRefreshSequenceNumber() const {
dianna.hohensee commented on Tue, 1 Aug 2017 13:23:07 +0000: That function no longer exists. Closing. milkie commented on Fri, 21 Apr 2017 15:18:20 +0000: Also 7 other defects that are similar issues in type_shard_collection.cpp/.h, in that return value types are const-qualified (which has no effect). Their defect id's are 100727-100733.